
Pastors & Staff

Rev. Terry Hunt

Head Pastor

Pastor Terry Hunt has a true heart for his town, and individuals like him are a rare find. He is sold out for the cause and believes in getting people involved and actively engaged in church. With a strong desire for the church to flourish, Pastor Hunt motivates each of us to come together and nurture relationships in our local area and community all while spreading the love of Jesus. He prays with us and personally reaches out through visits, creating genuine connections. His involvement extends beyond the pulpit, putting his preaching into practice in his day-to-day life. He's also not afraid to get his hands dirty and did so many times; including the majority of the landscaping you saw when entering the property. Together with his dedicated  wife, Cindy, he faithfully serves at CFPC. 

Rev. Michael Bishop

Assistant Pastor

Reverand Michael Bishop (or "Superman" as he's more affectionately known by many) is young, but not without wisdom of those much older than he. He has worked hard and dedicated much time in previously working as a beloved youth pastor. Among other duties, he has led service openings and prayer multiple times throughout the years. Michael and Sister Katrina are always willing to help wherever they can be of assistance. We are thankful to have him in this position and genuinely excited for what the future holds.

Vivian Brumett

Worship Pastor

As worship pastor, Vivian oversees the organization of the music and worship for all services. She has a burden to see church worship consistently in both spirit and truth. Vivian is married, with four children and four grandchildren.

Micah & Cassie Brumett

Youth Pastor

Meet our youth pastors, Micah and Cassie Brumett Along with baby Everette. They both attended Indiana Bible College, where they met. With both of them coming in with years of experience working with children and youth, they are dedicated to the work of God and have a passion for the young people of Collierville; their goal is to see growth in the youth department.

Stephen & Lisa Underwood

Children's Church Leader

The Underwoods are awesome with children and ministry. Many children have come to know about the goodness of Jesus by them and kids always feel safe, secure, and loved with them around. We couldn't ask for a better couple with such amazing talent and dedication for what they do!

Lopez Family

Spanish Ministry

The Lopez family head up our church's Spanish ministry. They translate services into Spanish and also teach a Spanish Sunday school class. They have a heart for their people and are a wonderful addition to our church. Oftentimes when the weather permits, The Lopez family enjoys grilling out and having friends and relatives over for a good time. Brother Lopez is a very happy individual and will always stop for a quick conversation about church and life. Their family is always ready and willing to help where ever they are needed.

Jason Loyd

Lead Evangelism and Outreach Pastor

Jason Loyd is one of those guys that just "gets it". He doesn't let the trials in life keep him from being a light to this world. His heart is fully in reaching the lost. He's done prison ministry, helped in providing meals and encouragement to those at St. Jude, and served in various other opportunities as well. Jason risks his life often at his day job as a firefighter and takes that same dedication and selflessness with him as Outreach leader. Jason is married to Robin and they have three boys, -Walker Skyler, and Chandler- and a baby girl, Juliana.

Daniel Brumett

Men's Ministry Leader

Daniel Brumett leads Men's Ministry. He has a burden to see men rise up with a holy boldness and be who God has called them to be. Daniel believes no one wins alone and incorporates this philosophy into all he does to make sure the men of CFPC share in his successes. He has a burden to ensure no man is excluded and each feels empowered and equipped to serve in some capacity. Daniel is married, with four children and three grandchildren. Daniel doesn't take his calling lightly, yet he's very approachable and friendly.

Erica Mejia

Women's Ministry Leader

Erica is a faithful and encouraging leader in our ladies ministry. She's a devoted mother to Alex, Leyla, and Eric. With her warm smile and kind words, she uplifts everyone she meets. She guides our women's community, helping them grow in faith and connections. Sister Erica's dedication to her family and ministry is inspiring. Her story reminds us to have faith and show love to others.

Charles Land

Bookstore Operator

Chuck Land faithfully runs the bookstore with his assistant, Ethan Underwood. Brother Land also burns CDs of the services, assists with YouTube service uploads, and offers general assistance. He doesn't just consider this a bookstore. He views it as his ministry and contribution. It certainly shines through by his commitment and his love for both people and the things of God!

Brian Smith

Worship Department Sound Engineer

Brian Smith is our light and sound engineer. His job is to make sure that each service looks and sounds satisfactory. To ensure that the sound booth runs smoothly, this position requires him to attend practices with the choir and worship team. Each service is thoroughly sound-checked with a dedicated team to ensure everything is at an optimal level.

Terry Maness

Usher/Lead Greeter

Terry Maness leads up our greeters and ushers. He makes sure the first impressions to anyone walking up to the church doors are great. He also gathers information on new converts and ensures they receive their visitor's welcome bags. Terry can often be found handing out candy to kids and sitting with new members or connecting them with other people to make sure their first experience here is a pleasant and memorable one. Terry is also a lively worshipper and will gladly share his powerful testimony with anyone who may listen.